Post was written by contributing writer Marya Mesa. She was compensated for her time but as always all opinions are the writers own.
Playout: The Game is a card game that will encourage your family to be more active and help bring fun and spontaneity into your workout.
The aim of Playout is to achieve the fitness goals we want by playing our way there. Fitness can be fun and more than just a stale, boring workout. It offers natural opportunities for social play and healthy competition.
The Playout card deck includes 30 bodyweight exercise cards, 10 each for lower body, core, and upper body. Wild Cards increase the intensity and difficulty of the exercises. Mini games are competitions designed to push players to the limit.
Every card has a picture and simple, easy to understand directions as well as simple tips. They are customizable for all levels of fitness. It is important to read through the instructions so that you have proper form and don’t injure yourself. It’s also important to take a good stretch before and after exercising.
This is a great supplemental workout for PE classes, sports teams, working out with your kids or just by yourself. Moms, if you’re having trouble getting to the gym, Playout can be done anywhere in just a few minutes. It’s also a fun activity for your kids to do together while encouraging fitness.
Enter for a chance to win a deck of Playout: The Exercise Card Game below! 5 Lucky winners will receive one deck each.
To learn more about Playout and to order, visit PlayOutTheGame.